Social Committees

Social Committees

Activity committee

The Activities Committee takes care of the organisation of informal activities. In the course of the academic year the committee organises a number of small activities, such as a Cycling Dinner or a theme party. At the start of the second semester there is always a larger activity, namely the Pre Second Semester Camp (PTSK). During PTSK students can enjoy a weekend together and enter the last half year in good spirits.

Charity committee

As a student of Public Administration and Public Governance, you are trained to look at society through different 'eyes'. The Charity Committee supports this by introducing students to volunteer work and projects. Part of the committee works together with the Move Foundation and visits primary schools, for example. In addition, the Charity Committee works together with other organisations throughout the year, allowing students to contribute to society for a short period of time.

First year committee

As a first year student there is a lot to do in the beginning. The goal of the First year committee is to make first year students familiar with the chamber and Magister JFT. The committee is a fun and accessible way to get acquainted with being active besides your studies. Besides that, the committee organises yearly recurring activities like the successful Gotcha! and the afternoon activity at PTSK. There is also plenty of room for the committee to come up with their own initiatives, which is why fun activities like a sports event are organised.

Excursion committee

Every year the excursion committee organises the one and only Juribes-excursion. According to many Juribes members, this trip of several days at home or abroad is one of the highlights of the year. Examples of locations we have been to in recent years are Luxembourg, Brussels or Bonn. Here, we combine formal activities such as a visit to a ministry or parliament with informal activities such as an enjoyable dinner or Crazy88.

  • De toekomstbestendige jurist: De ontwikkelingen van AI in het recht

    20 February 7:00 PM until 9:00 PM

    CUBE z216

    • Justitia
    • Study
  • Interesselijst: Nationale Snelpleitwedstrijden 2025

    06 March 9:00 AM until 5:00 PM

    Marga Klompé Gebouw | Tilburg University

    • Magister JFT Central
    • Career
    • Study
  • Passe-Partout Lustrum Juribes

    07 until 21 March 2025

    • Lustrum
    • Juribes
    • Social
    • Career
  • Magister JFT | Juribes Lustrum: Openingsfeest

    07 March from 8:00 PM until 1:00 AM

    Vrienden van Tilburg

    • Social
    • Lustrum
    • Juribes
  • Magister JFT | Juribes Lustrum: Formele Dagexcursie

    10 March 10:00 AM until 6:00 PM


    • Lustrum
    • Juribes
    • Career
    • Study
  • Centurion Chic

    12 March 8:30 PM until 11:00 PM

    Café Bet Kolen

    • Justitia
    • Social
