The Faculty Council is one of the participatory organs of Tilburg Law School and consists of seven teachers and seven students. This year, student party Vrijspraak fills four of these seven student seats. They meet every month with the Faculty Board to discuss all matters concerning the students of TLS. They play a big role, since in some cases, the Faculty Board cannot make a decision without the consent of the Faculty Council.
To decide which students get to fill a position in the Faculty Council, TLS hosts elections every year during the second semester. This way, the students of TLS get to vote on who they think will best represent them and their values in the Faculty Council.
The students in the Faculty Council represent all students of the law faculty, so not only a specific group of people. A big responsibility, but a great way to share your opinions, remarks and ideas to improve TLS and its education.
Faculty Council members:
Michelle Buijsse
Duygu Sahin
Liv Polman
Madeline Bartlett
Kelvin van der Geest