Order your Books!

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Order your Books!


The booklists for Semester 1 of the 2022-2023 academic year are online!

Order your textbooks for the first semester now, so that you can start your studies well prepared!

Buy your textbooks here!

Magister JFT Private Label Kluwer 

Don't forget to buy your Magister JFT private label lawbooks! This is a cheaper version of the Kluwer Lawbooks, with a Magister JFT logo on the front. 

Why order study books at Magister JFT?

With us you can be sure that you always order the right books for the upcoming semester! Why? Because the lists of books are compiled by Magister JFT in collaboration with the teachers of TLS.

All members of Magister JFT can order books at a discount. You always order your books with maximum discount! You will receive up to 15% discount on international books. On Dutch books you will receive the maximum allowed discount of 10% during the ordering period and outside the ordering period the maximum allowed discount of 5%*.

The order period of semester two 2022-2023 runs until Monday, September 26, 2022.
