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Need support during your studies? Magister JFT is happy to help you. 

Magister JFT offers support to members and students of Tilburg Law School in all possible ways. Members are entitled to book discounts, you can buy good summaries of Lawbooks for all your courses and you can follow exam training to be optimally prepared for your exams. Browse through the website and find the resources that will support you during your studies. 

Magister JFT believes that student well-being is very important. Do you suffer from mental problems, or would you like to share your feelings with someone? Take a look at the page Student Welfare. Hopefully we can help you. 

  • The Vrijspraak 'Huifkar' Cantus

    18 September 7:00 PM until 9:30 PM

    Louis Bouwmeesterplein

    • Vrijspraak
    • Sociaal
  • Kantoorbezoek Boels Zanders

    19 September 1:30 PM until 5:00 PM

    Boels Zanders

    • Justitia
    • Career
    • Study
  • Landelijk Voetbaltoernooi met Zusjes Verenigingen

    27 September 12:30 PM until 9:00 PM

    V.V. Odin Utrecht

    • Social
    • Magister JFT Central
